On Sat, 08 Jan 2000,  Mike Miller wrote about,  KDE or Gnome ?:
> Looking over the installation instructions for Red Hat 6.1, I see I'm 
> given a choice of Gnome or KDE in the work station install. Which 
> would be the best for the newbie? With my current display 
> hardware I'm limited to 640x480 screen resolution 8 or 16 bits with 
> XFree86. I'm running a Cyrix MediaGX P133 with 48 MB ram and 
> 2GB available on the HD for Linux and 4GB fat16 for DOS/Win95.

Go for KDE.
But, i would advise installing everything not just a work stn, you will
save you self a lot of grif later what you get used to linux and want to
experiment with new programs.
You have plenty of room, a complete install is +/- 900Mb.

Regards Richard
Happy New Year

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