Netscape for Windows contains a conversion that will convert an OE5 Mailbox
once they are in win32 Netscape I'm sure the transition will be easier!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel González Gasull [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2000 1:38 PM
> Subject:      Re: Mailbox Conversion
> Hi!
> "Jennifer Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm currently using Microsoft's Outlook Express 5
> > to read/store my mail. I'd like to change
> > that--probably Netscape mail, or Pine to start
> > with-- something that uses actual standards,
> > anyway!
> Netscape and Pine use mailbox format.  I don't know
> the format used by Micro$oft OE.
> Mutt ( is a mail user agent
> (mailer) that knows a lot of mailbox formats.  I
> don't know if it knows OE format.  But if it
> doesn't, then probably you are out of luck :-(  You
> should never have used a Micro$oft mail user agent.
> Try this: install Mutt.  Create a new folder (i.e. a
> new file to store messages).  Then read the OE file
> that store the messages with Mutt, and copy the
> message to the folder that is in mailbox format.
> I haven't tried it.  If it works, please let me
> know.
> Hope this helps. 
> -- 
> Daniel González Gasull              /|_    "The superfluous is very
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]            /  ,\   necessary."
> PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69       .-'   _,'   -- Voltaire
>                           hjw  / _   |     
>                               /   )_ |     
>                           ,=='`.____)_)    
>                  " Why I use Windows when there is a door? "

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