
I'm trying to use java under Linux for the first time. I have:

   JDK 1.1.8 IBM build l118-19991221 (JIT enabled: jitc)
   RedHat 6.0
   Kernel 2.2.13

I try to run BurnIt (a java front-end to a CD-burner):

   cd /usr/local/BurnIT
   /usr/bin/java -classpath . BurnIT    

And I get the following message:

   Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread

That java/lang/Thread file does not exist - I don't even have that
directory anywhere in my disk. I tried blackdown's JDK too, but I get a
similar error message (tries to access a file that does not exist).

What could be the problem? All I want to do is run a simple java



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