mrcoady wrote:
> Many thanks for help with solving the lock problem.
> Could someone explain why I get the message "cannot allocate colormap entry for
> default background"  when running Netscape? I simply acknowledge the message
> and carry on.  Is there something I haven't configured correctly here?

You have a display with only a small number of possible colours (most
likely only 256). Every X program registers on start-up the colour map
entries (read: colours) it needs during operation. Netscape uses _many_
colours. If you have another colour-intensive application (say, xv or
colourful background image) running, this allocation will fail for some
needed colours. Netscape will then choose one of the common (first 16)
colours to replace the needed one, as they need not be registered first.

Bottomline: live with it, exit colour-intensive apps prior to starting
netscape or switch to a display with more colours.


University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

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