Please use more conventional capitalization, punctuation, and (especially)
paragraphing in your postings. Avoid run-on sentences and quote both the
commands you enter and the responses you get WORD FOR WORD (including the
line breaks). I find stream-of-consciousness narratives very hard to follow.
I'll do my best this time, but please make it easier on me (and probably
others) in the future.

1. You don't tell us the basics of your setup -- what Linux distribution,
what version, and what kernel version. Immediate question: does whatever
kernel you have installed include serial-port support?

2. Linux doesn't detect external modems (or any modems, really) -- it
detects serial ports. During the boot/init sequence, do you get messages
reporting the presence of two serial ports?

3. Nor does setserial configure modems; it too configures serial ports. I
don't know what command you are describing when you say you "do" setserial,
and the details matter -- always quote commands and error messages; don't
tell us what you think they mean. So ... if you enter these two commands:

        setserial /dev/ttyS0
        setserial /dev/ttyS1

... what do they report?

4. Do you understand that in Linux, /dev/ttyS1 is equivalent to COM2? Is
that the serial port that you have your modem on?

5. I'm sorry, but I won't even try to read the minicom stuff you sent -- no
line breaks, no way to distinguish your words from the errors messages,
failure to quote word for word (surely minicom didn't say "cant" where
"can't" or "cannot" is needed) ... just too hard to follow.    

6. One thing about minicom, though. You write:

>it is like itlocks up if i do
>it from my root before using startx the only way out is to shut off and on
>the PC to get out of it.

Only way? What have you tried? Can you do a CRTL-ALT-DEL reboot? Can you
switch to another vt (ALT-F2, for example)? 

At 05:43 PM 3/1/00 -0800, P wrote:
>Please HELP. I am new to linux like very new. I tried to use linux a year
>ago but was not able to configure my modem to it so scraped it when we
>found out i was using a winmodem. I just bought an external modem, it is an
>Aopen FM56-EX2_56000. It was installed before i installed linux but for
>somereason Linux did not detect it during its install. I have tryed ln -s
>/dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem i get the reply back telling me symbolic link has
>been made. However when i do statserial to find out what IRQ and IO the
>modem is on i get no response. I try to use minicom and after doing the
>port set up i save as dfl then click exit and the screen goes to one "cant
>stat dev/modem (no such file) tty-10.c: process 861 (minicom) use
>obsolete/dev/cua1 - update software to use. then the next line is   that
>Says welcome to minicom 1.82 then the next line reads press ctrl -A Z for
>help on special keys 
>but when i hit any other keys nothing happens it is like itlocks up if i do
>it from my root before using startx the only way out is to shut off and on
>the PC to get out of it. Can any one offer any suggestions on what I am
>doing wrong or where I can find more information on how to get this program
>talking with my modem. I work on line and really need to use the modem if i
>am to use this program. Also please be gentle on me with your terminoligy
>as I have said I am very new to linux. Also if you can suggest an easier
>way to get my modem working I am all Ears (eyes)

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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