After some recent <self-induced> disasters, you know when you hit yourself
with a brick, I think its time to get serious about backing up a few files.
Question is: which ones and where are they kept.
Aside from an automated boot floppy what files should I be concerned about.
Barring a physical disk crash I can't see needing everything.

Being an Win95 convert I got comfortable having a program called FirstAid.
It took a snapshot of the essential config (and similar) files every time 95
Seems to me I should be able to write a reasonably simple script that would
do this.

tar a few specific files to a directory
#end of script, return user to the prompt

Kind of crude, but after a disaster one could merely grab some backup files
and put yourself back where you where before you broke it.

For that matter couldn't I write a script that would replace the corrupted
files with the backups?

Trouble is I have no idea how to even start writing a script. Moreover; as I
asked before which files do I need to worry about and where are they.

I'll bet a dollar to a stale donut that I'm not the first to ever think of
this. Anybody have a prexsisting/working model you'd care to share.

Thanks to all who take the time to even read this.


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