On Mon, 26 Jun 2000,  Renaud OLGIATI wrote about,  Starting up problem.:
> Hi all,
> ust migrated from Windoze to Linux (Mandrake 7.0) and have the
> following trouble when starting:
> I get en error message telling me /eth0 could not initialize.
> My ethernet adpater is NE2000 compatible, and works ok under Windoze95.
> In which direction should I start digging ?

Firsrtly you need to know if it is a PCI NE2000 compatable card,
Type 'cat /proc/pci' that will list all known PCI devices on your system,
if it is there you need to use the ne2k-pci driver module.

To load it do the following.

modprobe ne2k-pci

If the card is an ISA card the need to tell the kernel where it is to be
loaded arises, note, the module is called "ne" for an ISA card.

modprobe ne io=0x300 irq=5

You can find the addresses from your windows setup if they are not known to

To configure the card after the driver has succsesfully loaded, you use
'ifconfig' something like;

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast

route add default eth0

The route command sends all traffic out on eth0.

When you have it working, i suggest you add the following in
/etc/conf.modules or /etc/modules.conf (which ever you have).
Then upon the next boot it should get loaded automaticly.

# For a ISA NE2000 card.
alias eth0 ne 
options ne io=0x300 irq=5
# PCI NE2000 card
alias eth0 ne2k-pci

I dont quite know where mandrake configures eth0 i belive something like;

> Grateful thanks in advance,
> Renaud OLGIATI                               No act of kindness,
> Cerro Cora 3662                             no matter how small,
> Asuncion (Paraguay)             ever goes completely unpunished. 

Regards Richard

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