"Lista Newbie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Ray Olszewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ViewSonic E651 & SiS6326 with 8 Mb video RAM

I'm a bit confused by the description you posted.

X configuration is *very* specific to the video card and *somewhat* specific
to the monitor. So if you really used the *same* configuration with a
*different* video card and a *different* monitor, it is n't at all
surprising that one worked but not the other.

The odds are that the problem is with your video card, though, not your
monitor. RH 6.0 is pretty old (came out a year ago), and XFree86 has gone
through at least 2, maybe 3, upgrades since then. I'd check the RH site for
upgrades to the various X .rpms and see if a newer version has better
support for your video card. I note that RH 6.2 ships XFree86 3.3.6, just
one back fromt eh current X (and still used widely; I read that the current
4.0 is pretty buggy).

According to http://www.xfree86.org/cardlist.html, the current (4.0) version
of the XF86_SVGA server (not the XF86_S3 or the XF96_S3V - if I recall
correctly, XF86_S3V is deprecated) supports your card.

BTW, for future postings, a problem description more detailed than "but it
doesn't work" usually encourages better responses.

At 08:21 PM 7/12/00 -0300, Arlequín7W4= wrote:
>As it saids in the message subject, this is my video hardware.
>My software is RedHat 6.0 and I can't get X running properly..
>I've tryed the Xconfigurator, I've enteren the sync frequence of mi monitor
>manually... but it doesn't work !!
>I've made the SAME configuration in another generic monitor with a S3 Virge
>DX video card with no problems at all..
>What is going on with this ViewSonic ?

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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