On Tue, 16 May 2000,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about,  Plug and Play and Linux:
> Hi again

> Regarding Plug and Pray.
> I have a generic (read cheap) NE2000 compatible PnP NIC.

On most distro's ethernet cards are supported via modules,  you did not say
which distro you have, but looking at the PATH's below i would say it is

Normally speaking with modules one needs to edit /etc/conf.modules or
/etc/modules.conf (whichever you have) and add a alias and options line
allowing modprobe to find the device.
My NE2000 needs.

alias eth0 ne
options ne io=0x300 
{Change to suit your card}.

On the command line prompt you should be able to do;

'modprobe ne' to initialise the card, there should be no return message,
simply the prompt should return if there were no problems.

ifconfig -a should now show eth0 (unconfigured).
To try out the card you need to configure it with ifconfig.

ifconfig eth0 up
Should be enought, you can however use netmask and broadcast addresses as
Add a route to the network.
route add -net netmask eth0
You should now have access to the whole local lan.

> If I do a default network install I get something called lo as the NIC 
> device. What is lo (could it be loopback only ?)

lo = loopback.

> I can ping localhost and, if I edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-
> lo I can ping another ip address (e.g

Leave the interface "lo" as is.

>  On startup device lo is initialised but device eth0 fails to start. In 
> the bios (AMIBIOS 1998) I have an item called 'Plug and Play 
> Aware O/S'. Setting this to no causes the system to start as 
> above. Setting this to yes makes no difference WRT the ethernet 
> card. The card seems to be 'working' as the correct light comes on 
> on the hub. Can anybody give me the definitive answer as to what 
> this field should read  for Linux ?

The reason for the failure is normally no entry in /etc/conf.modules as
explained above.

> I've tried to configure the card via /etc/sysconfig/network-
> scripts/ifcfg-eth0. However I don't have a device called eth0 in /dev

You will not find a device file called /dev/eth0 it is non-exsistant.

You seem to unserstand the booting proceedure, however make sure
/etc/sysconfig/network is configured properly.

GATEWAY=""  (can be left as is)
GATEWAYDEV="" (ditto)
FORWARD_IPV4="no" (set to yes) to allow forwarding of other ip#'s

edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

IPADDR="" (add ip# here.)
NETMASK="" (example)
ONBOOT="yes" (initialise at bootime)

On the BIOS settings, you should resurve the IRQ for the NIC so that PCI
cards do not use that IRQ otherwise it might get taken by some pci card,
causing yet another failure when the NIC is called.

Hope this helps.

> cheers
> Duncan L

Regards Richard

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