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Chris S wrote:
> i am trying to configure samba and read (Learning Red Hat Linux, O'Reilly)
> that i just have to enter 'http://localhost:901' into my browser to use
> swat.  when i do that i get two netscape errors: 1. Netscape is unable to
> locate the server  Please check the server name and
> try again.  I am not connected to the outside world with my Linux box.  Do
> I have to be to use swat?

No, you don't.

> 2. Warning: the following host are unknown:
> CS51924-A I am following
> a Home-NetworkingHOWTO and haven't come to the section that gets me
> connected to the outside world, so i am guessing that once i have done
> that the second warning will be resolved./? thanks in advance.

I'm guessing here, but I think that these are both being caused by the same
thing.  Netscape has this <heavy_sarcasm> wonderfull feature </heavy_sarcasm>
of keyword searching.  I'm not sure what they actually call it, but I know
what *I* call it.  I won't say here, as it's pretty much unprintable.

Go into the Preferences for Netscape, and look for an option having to do
with keyword search or keyword completion, or something along those lines. 
Once you've found it, turn it off.  If my guess was right, you should then
be able to use swat.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
                      | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E            | for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV         | beginning of all unwisdom.

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