I bet you have "green" power management features enabled, so the drive spins
down when idle, but for some reason isn't spinning back up (or at least not
promptly enough to satisfy the kernel. Check your BIOS settings.

At 02:07 PM 8/1/00 -0500, Jim Reimer wrote:
>No network card, no modem.
>90MHz Pentium, 16meg ram, on-board ide
>Maxtor 90432D2 drive
>Red Hat 6.0
>It's looking more and more like it's the drive.  As long as I keep using
>it, it's ok.  But if I go off for a while it's dead when I come back - like
>the drive's going to sleep and not waking back up.  Rebooting won't wake
>it up, but cycling the power switch will.  Could be power supply problem (?).

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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