On 01/06/2016 10:02 AM, Adam Ford wrote:
> I dont' know if it helps, but I struggeled with this too.
> With my DM3730 (OMAP 3630), I had to enable Device Drivers->Adaptive
> Voltage Scaling Class Support which enables CONFIG_POWER_AVS, a
> requirement for POWER_AVS_OMAP.
> Once I did that, I was able to get AVS Class 3 working on my DM3730
> using th3 4.2+ kernel.  I haven't tried it with 3.14, but I would

Arggh... using AVS class3 with DM3730 will create all kinds of issues
later on as the device gets old. Wish we had managed to get AVS 1.5
basic functionality upstream :(.

Nishanth Menon
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