On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Kanigeri, Hari <h-kanige...@ti.com> wrote:
>> Do you know of any client that doing ReseveMemory and Map independently?
>> How much overhead is there in ReserveMemory?
>> What happens if the Map size is different than the ReserveMemory? What
>> happens if the size is bigger?
> -- I cannot disclose the name, but it is some major Mobile Company that is 
> following this approach. One big chunk of DSP Virtual address region is 
> grabbed during boot time, and after that all the maps/unmaps are managed from 
> this memory region.

On Linux?

So the DSP VA passed to Map would be v + chunk_size * i?

>> How much overhead is there in ReserveMemory?
> -- The overhead is the ioctls to the Bridge driver and the search that is 
> involved in searching for the DSP virtual address region that meets the size 
> requirement.

Search a DSP virtual memory region from where?

>> What happens if the Map size is different than the ReserveMemory? What
>> happens if the size is bigger?
> -- The onus will be on the Client that reserved the memory to make sure that 
> the size to map is within the reserved memory block.

Aha! Yet another place where the kernel is letting user-space screw up
the system.

>> In fact I don't even understand what is DSP VA memory. Is that virtual
>> memory?
> -- Yes, that is the DSP Virtual address.
>> What meaning is there on virtual memory that has no physical
>> memory?
> -- The mapping to the physical address is done with the DSPProcessor_Map 
> function call.

Yes, but before the Map function the virtual memory has no meaning.

Felipe Contreras
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