--- Comment #42 from Elmar Stellnberger <> ---
  Isn`t there any better way to debug this? If the backtrace does not give you
enough information isn`t there something like kdb that can generate core files
/ analyse variables etc.? At last I wonder if it is worth all of the work
because the SCM PCMCIA adapter seem to work quite well since
4.8.0-rc1-ARCH-26316-g65ea11e (comment #9); you can mount read and write CF
cards with it. - and I have a couple of other bugs that are pending to be filed
  ... for Xorg and my own programs I had at least programmed a program that
could annotate line numbers for functions at backtraces which I remember to
already have been of great help (if you do not even know the line where it
fails the backtrace may be misleading).

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