Yeah, with srvadmin-all.  Fresh install on both R710 and 1950.

[r...@testbox ~]# omreport storage controller
No controllers found

[r...@testbox ~]# omreport chassis info
Error! Chassis info setting unavailable on this system.


from our kickstart post-reboot script:

yum -y install srvadmin-all
/usr/bin/ start

after we do that, we install Dell firmware upgrades and do a yum update. 
   I wonder if maybe one of those breaks it?

On 03/19/2010 01:20 PM, Ryan Miller wrote:
> Did you actually install srvadmin-all ?  I know it seems like it should work 
> with just the storage packages, but I think some of the underlying services 
> are set up by other packages.  6.2 is now working for me with clean install 
> on CentOS 5 with PERC6i and SAS5i controllers.  Haven't tried it on an H700 
> yet.
> Ryan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [mailto:linux-poweredge-
>>] On Behalf Of Ryan Pugatch
>> Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 12:31 PM
>> To: Keith Beeby
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: openmanage 6.2 / missing controller issue fixed ?
>> On 03/19/2010 12:29 PM, Keith Beeby wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> So is just the case we are waiting for Dell to resolve this with a
>> new update?
>>> Anyone know if Dell has acknowledged the issue and working on a
>> resolve?
>>> Thanks
>>> Keith
>> I'm not really sure at this point.. some people say it works, others
>> day
>> it doesn't.  It doesn't work for me.
>> Ryan
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