Thanks for all replies!

Yes, I just want to expand /var, that's why I'm not so worried with this step.

Again, yes, I just have two HDD slots, this is my problem, if I could plug 2 new HD and create a new virtual disk everything would be much, much easier. :-)

I'm avoiding using a temp external drive because it would take too much time to copy everything, that's why I'm trying some dd from the original HDD to the new one approach.

Anyway, knowing that PERC keeps some information on the end of the disk, I will prefer to copy everything, it looks safer, but I'll probably have some problems with file permissions... unfortunately I use acl on this machine! :-(

Jason, I use LVM for virtual machines, it helps a lot, but for this case what I see is that LVM wont help that much. Anyway, thanks for the tip.

Well, now I have some ideas how to do the thing without so much risk to loose everything, thanks for all the help!


Fábio Catunda.

Jens Heinz wrote:
my way will work, but considering your layout it won't help you unless you're 
going to expand /var partition.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:10:01 -0300
Von: Fabio Catunda <>
Betreff: Re: Hot disk change.

Tino and Jens,

# fdisk -l (with comments about what is what)
/dev/sda1 1 243 1951866 82 Linux swap / Solaris (SWAP)
/dev/sda2   *         244         729     3903795   83  Linux (/boot)
/dev/sda3             730        3161    19535040   83  Linux (/)
/dev/sda4            3162       30318   218138602+  83  Linux (/var)

I'm not that worried with the partition table because I can just delete the partition, create it again with the new size and use resize2fs to resize the file system. Usually I do that with virtual machines and it works, shouldn't be different with a real hardware, right!?

I'm really worried to know it Linux would be able to read the old disk connected on a different SATA port.

Cupertino, I got worried with your solution because I don't know is I can expand the virtual disk and things like that, I don't have much expertise with RAID controllers. And if something goes wrong (read: if I make something wrong), I will loose everything. I do have backup and everything, but I prefer a short downtime.

Thanks again.

Fábio Catunda.

Tino Schwarze wrote:
Hi Fabio,

do you have some kind of LVM or other means of volume management in
place? What's your partition setup like? Please post output of
df -h.


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:28:58AM -0300, Fabio Catunda wrote:
Thanks for all responses.

Now I see that I am in trouble.

I really cannot install everything from zero, it will take too long and
might not work.

I would like to know your opinion about the following procedure:
1 - Shutdown
2 - Remove both disks
3 - Plug both 2TB new disks and create a new virtual disk on the
4 - Plug one of the old 250GB disks in a separate SATA connector
5 - dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda (where sdb is the old disk and sda is
new virtual disk)
6 - fstab, resize2fs, etc, etc...!

I really don't know if the OS will recognize and be able to read the
disk plugged in another SATA connector.

Thanks in advance.

Fábio Catunda.

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