Guy wrote:
For future reference:

Everyone should do a nightly disk test to prevent bad blocks from hiding
undetected.  smartd, badblocks or dd can be used.  Example:
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/null bs=64k

Just create a nice little script that emails you the output.  Put this
script in a nighty cron to run while the system is idle.

While I agree with your purpose 100% Guy, I respectfully disagree with the method. If at all possible, you should use tools that access the SMART capabilities of the device so that you get more than a read test - you also get statistics on the various other health parameters the drive checks some of which can serve fair warning of impending death before you get bad blocks. is the source for fresh packages there, and smartd can be set up with a config file to do tests on any schedule you like, emailing you urgent results as it gets them, or just putting information of general interest in the logs that Logwatch picks up.

If you're drives don't talk SMART (older ones don't, it doesn't work through all interfaces either) then by all means take Guy's advice. A 'dd' test is certainly valuable. But if they do talk SMART, I think its better

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