----- Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------
    Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 08:13:05 +0000
    From: Peter Grandi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Peter Grandi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Re: RAID5 to RAID6 reshape?
      To: Linux RAID <linux-raid@vger.kernel.org>

[ ... ]

* Suppose you have a 2+1 array which is full. Now you add a
disk and that means that almost all free space is on a single
disk. The MD subsystem has two options as to where to add
that lump of space, consider why neither is very pleasant.

No, only one, at the end of the md device and the "free space"
will be evenly distributed among the drives.

Not necessarily, however let's assume that happens.

Since the the free space will have a different distribution
then the used space will also, so that the physical layout will
evolve like this when creating up a 3+1 from a 2+1+1:

   2+1+1       3+1
  a b c d    a b c d
  -------    -------
  0 1 P F    0 1 2 Q    P: old parity
  P 2 3 F    Q 3 4 5    F: free block
  4 P 5 F    6 Q 7 8    Q: new parity
  .......    .......
             F F F F
...evenly distributed. Thanks for the picture. I don't know why you are still asking after that?

How will the free space become evenly distributed among the
drives? Well, sounds like 3 drives will be read (2 if not
checking parity) and 4 drives written; while on a 3+1 a mere
parity rebuild only writes to 1 at a time, even if reads from
3, and a recovery reads from 3 and writes to 2 drives.

Is that a pleasant option? To me it looks like begging for
trouble. For one thing the highest likelyhood of failure is
when a lot of disk start running together doing much the same
things. RAID is based on the idea of uncorrelated failures...

A forced sync before a reshape is advised.
As usual a single disk failure during reshape is not a bigger problem than when it happens at another time.

  An aside: in my innocence I realized only recently that online
  redundancy and uncorrelated failures are somewhat contradictory.

Never mind that since one is changing the layout an interruption
in the process may leave the array unusable, even if with no
loss of data, evne if recent MD versions mostly cope; from a
recent 'man' page for 'mdadm':

 «Increasing the number of active devices in a RAID5 is much
  more effort.  Every block in the array will need to be read
  and written back to a new location.»

  From 2.6.17, the Linux Kernel is able to do this safely,
  including restart and interrupted "reshape".

  When relocating the first few stripes on a raid5, it is not
  possible to keep the data on disk completely consistent and
  crash-proof. To provide the required safety, mdadm disables
  writes to the array while this "critical section" is reshaped,
  and takes a backup of the data that is in that section.

  This backup is normally stored in any spare devices that the
  array has, however it can also be stored in a separate file
  specified with the --backup-file option.»

Since the reshape reads N *and then writes* to N+1 the drives at
almost the same time things are going to be a bit slower than a
mere rebuild or recover: each stripe will be read from the N
existing drives and then written back to N+1 *while the next
stripe is being read from N* (or not...).

Yes, it will be slower but probably still faster than getting the data off and back on again. And of course you don't need the storage for the backup..

* How fast is doing unaligned writes with a 13+1 or a 12+2
stripe? How often is that going to happen, especially on an
array that started as a 2+1?

They are all the same speed with raid5 no matter what you
started with.

But I asked two questions questions that are not "how does the
speed differ". The two answers to the questions I aked are very
different from "the same speed" (they are "very slow" and
"rather often"):

And this is where you're wrong.

* Doing unaligned writes on a 13+1 or 12+2 is catastrophically
  slow because of the RMW cycle. This is of course independent
  of how one got to the something like 13+1 or a 12+2.

Changing a single byte in a 2+1 raid5 or a 13+1 raid5 requires exactly two 512byte blocks to be read and written from two different disks. Changing two bytes which are unaligned (the last and first byte of two consecutive stripes) doubles those figures, but more disks are involved.

* Unfortunately the frequency of unaligned writes *does* usually
  depend on how dementedly one got to the 13+1 or 12+2 case:
  because a filesystem that lays out files so that misalignment
  is minimised with a 2+1 stripe just about guarantees that when
  one switches to a 3+1 stripe all previously written data is
  misaligned, and so on -- and never mind that every time one
  adds a disk a reshape is done that shuffles stuff around.

One can usually do away with specifying 2*Chunksize.

You read two blocks and you write two blocks. (not even chunks
mind you)

But we are talking about a *reshape* here and to a RAID5. If you
add a drive to a RAID5 and redistribute in the obvious way then
existing stripes have to be rewritten as the periodicity of the
parity changes from every N to every N+1.

Yes, once, during the reshape.

* How long does it take to rebuild parity with a 13+1 array
or a 12+2 array in case of single disk failure? What happens
if a disk fails during rebuild?

Depends on how much data the controllers can push. But at
least with my hpt2320 the limiting factor is the disk speed

But here we are on the Linux RAID mailing list and we are
talking about software RAID. With software RAID a reshape with
14 disks needs to shuffle around the *host bus* (not merely the
host adapter as with hw RAID) almost 5 times as much data as
with 3 (say 14x80MB/s ~= 1GB/s sustained in both directions at
the outer tracks). The host adapter also has to be able to run
14 operations in parallel.

I'm also talking about software raid. I'm not claiming that my hpt232x can push that much but then again it handles only 8 drives anyway.

It can be done -- it is just somewhat expensive, but then what's
the point of a 14 wide RAID if the host bus and host adapter
cannot handle the full parallel bandwidth of 14 drives?

In most uses your are not going to exhaust the maximum transfer rate of the disks. So I guess one would do it for the (cheap) space?

and that doesn't change whether I have 2 disks or 12.

Not quite

See above.

, but another thing that changes is the probability of
a disk failure during a reshape.

Neil Brown wrote recently in this list (Feb 17th) this very wise
bit of advice:

 «It is really best to avoid degraded raid4/5/6 arrays when at all
  possible. NeilBrown»

Repeatedly expanding an array means deliberately doing something

It's not quite that bad. You still have redundancy when doing reshape.

One amusing detail is the number of companies advertising disk
recovery services for RAID sets. They have RAID5 to thank for a
lot of their business, but array reshapes may well help too :-).

Yeah, reshaping is putting a strain on the array and one should take some precautions.

[ ... ] In your stated applications it is hard to see why
you'd want to split your arrays into very many block devices
or why you'd want to resize them.

I think the idea is to be able to have more than just one
device to put a filesystem on. For example a / filesystem,
swap and maybe something like /storage comes to mind.

Well, for a small number of volumes like that a reasonable
strategy is to partition the disks and then RAID those
partitions. This can be done on a few disks at a time.

True, but you loose flexibility. And how do you plan on increasing the size of any of those volumes if you only want to add one disk and keep the redundancy? Ok, you could by a disk which is only as large as the raid-devs that make up the colume in question, but I find it a much cleaner setup to have a bunch of identically sized disks in one big array.

For archiving stuff as it accumulates (''digital attic'') just
adding disks and creating a large single partition on each disk
seems simplest and easiest.

I thinks this what we're talking about here. But with your proposal you have no redundancy.

Yes, one could to that with partitioning but lvm was made for
this so why not use it.

The problem with LVM is that it adds an extra layer of
complications and dependencies to things like booting and system
management. Can be fully automated, but then the list of things
that go wrong increases.

Never had any problems with it.

BTW, good news: DM/LVM2 are largely no longer necessary: one can
achieve the same effect, including much the same performance, by
using the loop device on large files on a good filesystem that
supports extents, like JFS or XFS.

*yeeks* no thanks, I rather use what has been made for it.
No need for another bikeshed.

To the point that in a (slightly dubious) test some guy got
better performance out of Oracle tablespaces as large files
than with the usually recommended raw volumes/partitions...

Should not happen but who knows what Oracle does when it accesses block devices...

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