Hardware Stuff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tape is generally a linear process with little chance of ensuring that

- DAT does read-after-write
- there is the --compare option to tar

> the data was actually written correctly, a disk can be easily setup to
> verify the write.  Tape is generally a "big block", an error wipes out

To my knowledge, except on magneto-optical medium where this is the standard,
there is no verify pass after the writing.

> 100 Gig of drives from Onsale: $3600.  Could be lowered with a bit of
>   patience.  Hotswap not necessary, not main storage.  However, a
>   third drive is required, which makes it $5400.

> HP C5698 35Gig uncompressed, $6340
> Tapes are probably $100+ each.

DAT DDS-3 is less than 1500 US$, stores 12 GB with no compression
(24 GB rumoured when compressing, depends on your data). Each
tape is around 30 US$ (again, this is end-user swiss price,
so probably a lot cheaper). So 100 GB is around 1800 US$ for the
first 100 GB, 300US$ for the next.

Also, you can get auto-changers for it, so you can do automated
backups (16 tapes is not uncommon, which is, uncompressed > 100 GB).
Auto-changers are, of course, costly, but this is not a recurring

maybe 5400US$ (wild guess, your price :)) for the first 100 GB,
then 300 US$ for the next(s).

There is also AIT (70 GB?) and DLT for the space-hungry.

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