Does anyone know of other root-raid howtos?  For example,
for those of us who have only a basic understanding of linux
booting and ramdisks?!

I spent the morning looking at the Root-RAID-HOWTO [1]
and have come to the conclusion that doing a root-raid is
seriously non-trivial unless you have a clear understanding
of and/or experience with ramdisks.  The real bottom line
is that I don't know what lilo config to use.

If anyone understands the Root-RAID-HOWTO and has time to look
at the enclosed bash-speak, lemme know you what you think.

-- -- -- --
Steve Rader
Systems and Network Manager
WiscNet--Internetworking for Wisconsin
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `=:)'
-- -- -- --


-- -- -- --

 # /dev/sda1 has / with rh5.0 and a 2.0.36 kernel + md + raid1
 # /dev/md0 is a raid1 raid on /dev/sdb1
 cd /root
 mkdir raidboot
 cd raidboot
 mkdir mnt mnt2
 dd if=/dev/zero of=build bs=1024k count=36
 losetup /dev/loop0 build
 mke2fs -v -m0 -L initrd /dev/loop0
 mount /dev/loop0 /root/raidboot/mnt
 # insert RedHat 5.0 cdrom #1
 mount /mnt/cdrom
 cd /mnt/cdrom/live
 tar -cf - bin boot dev etc lib root sbin tmp var | \
   (cd /root/raidboot/mnt; tar -xvf -)
 cd /usr/local/src/raidtools-0.42
 ./configure --sbindir=/root/raidboot/mnt/sbin \
 mkdir -p /root/raidboot/mnt/usr/man/man8
 make install
 cd /root/raidboot/mnt/sbin
 ln -sf mdadd mdrun
 ln -sf mdadd mdstop
 cp -a /dev/md* /root/raidboot/mnt/dev

 cd /root/raidboot
 dd if=/dev/zero of=bare.fs bs=1024k count=36
 losetup /dev/loop1 bare.fs
 mke2fs -v -m0 -L initrd /dev/loop1
 mount /dev/loop1 mnt2
 cp -a mnt/* mnt2
 umount mnt
 umount mnt2
 losetup -d /dev/loop0
 losetup -d /dev/loop1
 cp bare.fs rescue
 gzip -9 bare.fs

 losetup /dev/loop0 rescue
 mount /dev/loop0 mnt
 gzip -9 rescue
 cp rescue.gz /mnt
 cp rescue.gz /

 cd /root/raidboot/mnt
 cp /usr/local/src/tar-files/linuxrc .
 chmod 775 linuxrc
 vi /root/raidboot/mnt/raidboot.conf
 vi /root/raidboot/mnt/etc/raidboot.conf

 vi /etc/lilo.conf???


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