> > I've mostly been a lurker but recent changes in my company have peaked my
> > interest in the performance of sw vs hw raid.
> > 
> > Does anyone have some statistics online of sw raid (1,5) vs hw raid
> > (1,5) on a linux system?
> We have a DPT midrange SmartRAID-V and we're going to do testing on two
> 7 x 17.5 GB RAID 5 arrays, one software, one hardware. We'll post the
> results as soon as they're available. (Testing will happen on a dual PII
> 350 w/ 256 MB RAM & a cheezy IDE disk for /, running 2.2.6 (or later).)
> What kind of tests would people like to see run? The main test I'm
> going for is simply stability under load on bigish file systems &
> biggish file operations.

stability and read performance speeds and write performance speeds.

possibly optimization for mostly-read situations, mostly-write situations
and then both read and write situations.


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