Get the latest raidtools and alpha patches from and you should be set. Worked
like charm for me.

- anders

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Barrasso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 9. toukokuuta 1999 19:54
Subject: RAID and RedHat 6.0

>I recently upgraded one of my computers to RedHat 6.0 (which includes raid
>.90).  Before the upgrade I had 2 4.1GB SCSI Hdd's combined into a linear
>array (created with raidtools-0.50beta10-2) .. after the upgrade I went to
>re-instate this array and put the following into my /etc/raidtab:
>raiddev /dev/md0
>raid-level      linear
>nr-raid-disks   2
>device          /dev/sdb1
>raid-disk       0
>device          /dev/sdc1
>raid-disk       1
>but.. when I run raidstart -a I get:
>[root@news /root]# /sbin/raidstart -a
>/dev/md0: Invalid argument
>What am I missing?  I don't want to loose all that data on the array...
>do I need to do to get things working?
>p.s. please send a copy of any replys to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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