I said:
>  It is VERY, VERY hard to place 12
> drives (I have two 4 gigs for raid boot/root) inside a case and stay under
> the 18" ide cable restriction!!  Many, many cables are sold that
> are longer than this maximum 18" cable, but these cables can and
> will cause errors under udma under linux. I ended up spending
> many, many late nights trying to diagnose cable/drive/enclosure
> problems with this system.

I should have mentioned that I finally solved these problems by buying
custom length cables similar to what are required for udma-66.  These cables
all have a ground line in between each data line... doubling the number of
wires in the cable and canceling out some of the noise.  I have had 100%
reliability since I switched to using these for my long cable pulls, I have
one that is 24" and one that is 32".


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