On 7 Jul 1999, m.allan noah wrote:

  > 5. Reboot to get linux to recognize the new partition
  you hit the nail on the head man. no need to copy things to the replacement
  disk. just get the partition table right and readable by linux (requires the
  reboot in 5). then use raidhotadd.

reboot.. yuk! this is linux not nt! :)

what you do is:

1. unmount everything that's directly on the disk that isn't raid.
2. swapoff if you have swap on that disk

echo "scsi remove-single-device c b t l" > /proc/scsi/scsi

where c=controller, b=bus/channel, t=target/scsi id, l=lun of the
failed disk. Eg disk id-3 on the first channel of the first scsi
controller would be:

echo "scsi remove-single-device 0 0 3 0" > /proc/scsi/scsi

4. replace failed disk
5. get linux to see new disk:

echo "scsi add-single-device c b t l" > /proc/scsi/scsi

(replace c b t l as in above example)

6. partition new disk.
7. raidhotadd.

We never.. never.. never.. ever.. reboot linux!! 

(well unless the hardware is on fire or something. then ... maybe)


Paul Jakma
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://hibernia.clubi.ie
PGP5 key: http://www.clubi.ie/jakma/publickey.txt
Sauron is alive in Argentina!

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