On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Jochen Scharrlach wrote:

>  - it seems to have more features, though I'm missing a concept for a
> mirrored root partition (it may be there, but I haven't found anything
> yet). The commandline tool is quite nice and it even has some kind of
> logical volume manager (though I'm not convinced that it reaches the
> one of HP-UX).

I personally do not find the Linux version 'lacking' features (ie. it's
implementation very transparent as you mentioned).  A GUI volume manager
may be nice to see what's going on, but it certainly wouldn't be overly
difficult to write one to wrap the command-line tools (what a good idea
:-)  I have not seen the one from HP-UX, so I cannot comment on that.

>  - duplicating a partition layout is much easier :)

Does this mean it's possible to build a RAID1 configuration from a single
disk without having to reformat?

>  - I like the concept of named volumes 

I suppose it could be handy if you had a lot of volumes to manage.

My experience with Linux software RAID is still quite limited.  I've tried
striping, RAID1, and RAID5 at home.  I presently have a 3 disk RAID5 array
running some "common" files which I make available on my home LAN.  So
far, so good.  I still don't have it shutting down properly and
automatically being brought up at boot-time, which is still a little bit
of a pain.


Mike Frisch
Software Engineer
Hummmingbird Communications, Ltd.

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