Like Luca says, don't use HTML in mails to this list.

> Hi. I'm seting up RAID-1 in a server with two IDE 4.3GB hard
> disks. I'm using RedHat 5.2 with kernel 2.2.9.

First problem. raidtools-0.90 doesn't work with 2.2.8 and 2.2.9. You don't want
to use these kernels anyway, because of the filesystem corruption problems.
Either step back to 2.2.6/7 or step up to 2.2.10 or 2.2.12pre4 (although wasn't
2.2.10 also supposed to suffer from the same problem?).

> I've download and installed the raidtools-0.90.
> I've cutomized the /etc/raidtab file as follows:

No mention of patching the kernel. Did you try to apply the raid-patch to the
kernel? You get it from ftp.<country>
(substitute your country code for <country>, e.g. de for Germany, es for Spain).
This is also the place to get the latest raidtools - you should get tools and
patch to match.

The reason you may be confused is that the stock RedHat 6.0 kernels (e.g.
2.2.5-15) come with this patch already applied unlike other kernels which you
may download. I assume this is not a stock RedHat kernel. I don't think they put
out a 2.2.9 RPM.

> raiddev /dev/md0
>           raid-level      1
>           nr-raid-disks   2
>           nr-spare-disks  0
>           chunk-size     4
>           persistent-superblock 1
>           device          /dev/hda5
>           raid-disk       0
>           device          /dev/hdc5
>           raid-disk       1

Looks OK to me.

> The proble is when is run the command "./mkraid /dev/md0"
> the following error is displayed:
>    cannot determine md version: No such file or directory

Patching and rebuilding the kernel should solve this. You may also need to
create the md devices as Luca says. If you download and build raidtools, the
"make install" part of the process should do this for you. If not, follow Luca's
instructions. The added bonus of downloading the raidtools tarball is that it
includes the new HOWTO. I'm not sure if RedHat's RPM includes this, or where it
puts it.


Bruno Prior         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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