On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Georg Rösch wrote:

Did you apply the current patches to your kernel? As I understand, the
current kernels up to 2.2.12 do not support the 0.90 raid-tools.

> i'm running under Suse 6.1 and i want to make a RAID 1 with my two 9.1U2
> HDD's. I already have RAID-Tolls 0.90. Compiling works fine and my Kernel
> 2.2.7 already is able to handle RAID 1.
> I did it how it was discribed in the *great* Software-RAID-Howto.
> I built the raidtab in the etc path too.
> When i try to execute "mkraid -f /dev/md0" i get this message:
> ..
> mkraid: aborted, see the syslog and /proc/mdstat for
> potential clues.
> My mdstat looks like this:
> Personalities : [1 linear] [2 raid0] [3 raid1]
> read_ahead not set
> md0 : inactive
> md1 : inactive
> md2 : inactive
> md3 : inactive 
> I don't know which file ist ment by syslog!!?
> For the raidtab i used the raid1.conf.sample from the HOWTO's. I only
> changed the devices.
> Please help me ...
>  Georg Rösch.



DANIEL WIRTH                         |
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