What is the most reliable LVD SCSI controler for Linux ?

(I use several Buslogic controlers, but as far as I know they don't
 have an LVD version, which is absolutely necessary for long SCSI chains,
 and my Buslogic controlers went in an infinite reset loop several times,
 which raid cannot protect against.
 I also tested a Mylex AcceleRAID with it's integrated raid software,
 but it's expensive and not very flexible (you cannot remotely change
 the raid configuration since the raid configuration program is
 accessed at boot time only, and as far as I know, you cannot have
 different scsi chanels use different scsi speeds, and you cannot
 have a raid set involving disks on several controlers), and lastly
 their raid sofware is not open so it's hard to trust them. On the
 other hand, I believe that you can add drives to existing raid sets.)

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