
Does anyone know if the AccelRAID's "SISL" feature works on Alpha,
speficically Samsung PC164-UX, motherboards? This is the feature that
allows the Ac/RAID250 to 'take-over' the onboard symbios scsi
controller, and use the drives on it in the RAID array.

Also, i guess there's no way for AlphaBIOS to boot from a Mylex is
there? ie the option ROM emulator won't cut it will it? And there's
no AXP firmware for Mylex afaik.

Paul Jakma      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP5 key: http://www.clubi.ie/jakma/publickey.txt
"Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk ?"
Microsoft spel chekar vor sail, worgs grate !!
(By [EMAIL PROTECTED], Felix von Leitner)

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