On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Stephen Millard wrote:


> >         Yo have two chances: either compile RAID support in the kernel, or
> > make a initrd image. All support needed to autodetect the RAID (IDE, SCSI,
> > RAID, whatever) must be available at booting time.
> I am using RH  6.0 and the kernel is 2.2. I am using raid .90-3, (a rpm
> package) and I have looked over every doc I could find on raid. A few
> newsgroups have references to the md-personality-3 problem but none have
> any solutions. 

        2.2.5 I guess. I assume you're here because you care of your data,
and that's extensive to your system; you'd better compile a 2.2.12 kernel,
applying the latest raid0145 patch, and compiling the latest raidtools. 
Refer to the Howto for download locations and the versioning scheme that
sw RAID follows.

> If the kernel weren't compiled for raid why would it be complaining
> about md-personality-3? Could it be that when I installed raid .90-3
> that it applied a module to be installed at boot time but the kernel
> isn't prepared to deal with it? I thought that what the modules were
> for, so you could add functionality to the kernel as it is needed. 

        I'll refer to your autodetection problem:

        I doubt a module rpm doesn't run 'depmod -a' after is
installation. It's run at every boot anyway, so I don't believe is a plain
"lack of support" matter. It's a "lack of support at the proper time" 
matter: autodetection comes *before* the kernel mounts any filesystem; how
is it going to load any "filesystem resident" modules?  Imagine you have
/lib on a raid device... 

        The kernel must have the proper RAID and related device support
(SCSI, IDE; whatever) at *boot time* and that's acomplished by either
compiling that support into the kernel (as you're very unlikely to unload
it) or make a initrd image that includes raid support. 

> If the kernel doesn't have some required piece of raid installed, how
> can I tell? Is there some query I can do to the kernel to find out? My
> time is limited and I don't want to go through the trouble of setting up
> to compile the kernel if I don't have to. 

        I can assure you that it won't be a waste of time. Don't let RAID
give you a false sense of security by simply taking and using it. Anyway,
you'll end up finishing before if you just simply cook up your own kernel,
than determining what capabilities/problems have the installed one.
And most important: you will be more confident with it, and its safety. 

        good luck,

Francisco J. Montilla               System & Network administrator
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      irc: pukka        Seville            Spain   
INSFLUG (LiNUX) Coordinator: www.insflug.org   -   ftp.insflug.org

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