At 11:30 PM 10/13/99 -0700, Hakker wrote:

>I have yet another question for the list. I would like to run my 7 disk
>external scsi drive tower off of my dell poweredge server. The server
>already has 4 internal drives on one host adapter. I can put in an
>external adapter and hookup the external array and it all detects fine.
>The problem that I run into is that when im in the Linux system (2.2.12),
>the system will only assign the first 8 drives, that is the 4 internal
>disks (sda -> sdd) and 4 of the disks on the array (sde -> sdh). There are
>3 disks un accounted for. /proc/scsi/scsi lists them all. The /dev/sd
>entries are there for sda -> sdp and all have the right major minor #'s.
>By not assigning I mean that /dev/sdi -> sdk are not accessible and
>reading the kernel messages, they are never assigned. The goal here is to
>make the external array a software raid. Any ideas would be appreciated.

I wonder if there is a problem with the SCSI card or how the drives are 
addressed in the external box...  I have kernel 2.2.12 running with a total 
of 14 drives and a CDrom with no problems.  Nothing special in the setup 

            David Cooley N5XMT           Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Packet: N5XMT@KQ4LO.#INT.NC.USA.NA   T.A.P.R. Member #7068
    Sponges grow in the ocean... Wonder how deep it would be if they didn't?!

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