I think one of the biggest problems with the howto, is that there are two
versions of it.

Places like linuxdoc.org and linux.com and metalab.unc.edu all have have the
old version last updated in 98

I guess this is partly a necessity due to current duality in raid versions
in use.

A lot of people probably read the old software raid HOWTO and dont realise
it was targeted at the old version of raid, not the v0.9 stuff.

Has anyone aproached linuxdoc.org (i think they a supposed to be the offical
place for howto's?) to try and get them to add the new software raid howto ?

They could carry both and refer to them via the verison numbers, or even as
the old-software-raid -howto and the new-software-raid-howto.

It would be even better if each of the HOWTO refered to the existance of the

What do you all think, should someone (i could do it if you want) lobby a
few sites and try and get the new howto onto a few sites.

I think Software RAID is one of the most powerfull yet underutilised
features of linux. Maybe one day we will get 0.9 in the kernel, have lilo
supporting all raid modes, one version of the HOWTO, and all linux users
will be root RAIDing on the default installation.....

Well, anyway, i tend to ramble on a bit, antone agree with me about the

Glenn McGrath

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