
I   am  a new subscribed on this ml from France and I hope to find out
some anwsers to the questions which do not allow me to sleep :)

I had a big problem 2 weeks ago on a linux/SCSI server: the HD failled
We  lost  all the data from HD and we had to rebegin the setup for the
beginning with data saved on a tape :/

I would like no to rehave this kind of problem which means for me that
even if a HD failed the server should run.

I  think  RAID  is  the  solution  for  this  problem, but I have some
questions about it:
- for my use (web/email/cgi) why should I choise RAID 5 and not RAID 1
- for RAID 5 we need to put 3 HD. what happen when I put off one HD ?
the sevver is still running ?  what happens to the datas ?
what  happen  when  I replug the HD again in the server ? the data not
saved for the delay the HD was outside ?
- how about the benchmark with RAID 1 and 5 vs SCSI classis ?

thanks for your help

Best regards,
 octave                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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