> Anyone successfully gotten raid 5 working with the new 2.2.14 kernel?
> I downloaded the 2.2.14 kernel source tree and installed it, then 
> downloaded Mingo's 2.2.14 raid patch.  The patch appeared to work fine on 
> the first few hunks, then failed miserably on the last 100 or so 

Yes, I converted an old 0.42 raid5 system last week and delivered a 
customer raid1 system, both with a virgin 2.2.14 kernel + mingos latest 
patch. No problems at all. The kernels were built on a clean 2.2.13 
(non-raid) system.

get your kernel from kernel.org
make sure you: patch -p1 <mingos.patch.file

all hunks should go in OK -- did for me


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