
last Friday I updated the buggy machine to 2.2.14 (B1) - until then
the problem with the "attempt to access beyond end of device" causing
"only one disk left and IO error." happened three times. On one
occasion the backup (tar) croaked about one file "shrunk by" about 6MB 
(the file had 7MB) - I looked at the file (a 6 months old PPT) and it
seemed to be ok, at least Powerpoint threw no errors.

My upgrade procedure went like this: I compiled the new kernel,
disabled swap, rebooted with the new kernel, waited for the resync to
finish, rebooted in singleuser-mode, unmounted the troublemaking
partition and ran a "fsck.ext2 -f /dev/md0" - with absolutely no
errors! The backup last Friday night was ok, too, so I am happy and



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