The Parallel Virtual File System can do this.  It does lack good ability
right now to deal with failure of one system though.  It is ment for for
scratch space.

Brian D. Haymore
University of Utah
Center for High Performance Computing
155 South 1452 East RM 405
Salt Lake City, Ut 84112-0190

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Phone: (801) 585-1755 - Fax: (801) 585-5366

On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Murat Koc wrote:

>  Hi all,
>  I have 40 comps and have 2GB free partition each of them.
>  I want to manage them on one comp in one directory.
>  When I asked this question to linux-admin list, somebody told that there
>  is a solution on this list with subject raid over network.
>  If there is something like that, could anybody explain how I can do that?
>  Or recommend any doc.
>  Sorry for my english. 
>                                                            MURAT KOC  

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