Ive been thinking about this sort of issue for a while.

I was recently reserching distributed filesystems, i consider raid over
a network is very similar to a distributed filesystem.

One mode i wanted to implement in my distributed filesystem (which hasnt
gotten past planning stage) was to support two-dimmensional parity,
(called hamming or huffman codes, i always get these two mixed up) ive
seen mention of raid mode 7 which maybe similar.

e.g. with two dimensional parity you could have the following situation

A1 B1 C1
A1, B1, C1 comprise what could be considered a normal raid4 array

B0, B1, B2 comprise a second raid4 array

So, C1 and B2 are parity disks, and A1, B0, B1 are data disks
With this configuration ANY two disks can fail and the data can be

The more drives, the more versatile your configuration i.e. more support
for redundent drives or more data drives.

This sort of setup would be ideal for network raid as if a drive or
netowrk connection is down its no drama, ignore it and work with what is

Id love to try and implent two dimensional parity, but im not that
confident of my coding ability (but i am improving my skills)

Parallel virtual filesystem sounds interesting.... might have to check
it out


Glenn McGrath

"Brian D. Haymore" wrote:
> The Parallel Virtual File System can do this.  It does lack good ability
> right now to deal with failure of one system though.  It is ment for for
> scratch space.
> --
> Brian D. Haymore
> University of Utah
> Center for High Performance Computing
> 155 South 1452 East RM 405
> Salt Lake City, Ut 84112-0190
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Phone: (801) 585-1755 - Fax: (801) 585-5366
> On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Murat Koc wrote:
> >
> >  Hi all,
> >  I have 40 comps and have 2GB free partition each of them.
> >  I want to manage them on one comp in one directory.
> >  When I asked this question to linux-admin list, somebody told that there
> >  is a solution on this list with subject raid over network.
> >  If there is something like that, could anybody explain how I can do that?
> >  Or recommend any doc.
> >  Sorry for my english.
> >
> >
> >                                                            MURAT KOC
> >

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