> Notice that it checks every 3 seconds, but emails every 10 minutes
> (prevents the inbox from filling up overnight).
> What does it look like when a drive dies?  I presume something like:
> [..UD]
> Then, perhaps just doing a (Perl) regexp: if (/\[[^\]]*D[^\]]*\]/)
> then report the failure?

what I've seen is that it looks like this:
[UU_UU] until the drive is marked as dead.

and then it changes to:
[UUDUU] (I believe)

I'd want to know about the _ until otherwise noted.

and I'd want to be able to touch and ignore file so if its rebuilding I
don't hear about it every few minutes.

I'll see what I can hack up.

it wouldn't be a bad idea to put a few of these up on a raid-related
website so people could see their options.


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