Hi list,

I'm playing around with RAID-0 on an Compaq DS10 with an Alpha
processor running Kernel 2.2.14 + raid-2.2.14-B1 patch.

When I try to do autodetection on my RAID partition I fail:

- I put autodetection support into the kernel.

- I created /dev/md0 with persistent superblock

- Since the DS10 has an SRM console I have to BSD disklabels to boot
  properly from harddisk. I tried to set the partition-type of my
  RAID partitions to 0xfd as mentioned in the Software RAID HOWTO but
  I'm not really sure if I succeeded, since the know partition-type
  mentioned by fdisk only tell about a range from 0x0 to 0xf. Anyway,
  fdisk tells me about 0xfd.

But when I reboot the system, everything I get is:

<4>md.c: sizeof(mdp_super_t) = 4104
<6>autodetecting RAID arrays
<4>autorun ...
<4>... autorun DONE.

So, the RAID-0 is not detected.

I suspect that the problem is related to the BSD-disklabels.
Any suggestions?



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