I went to the 3WARE site.
really nice the 8 IDE channel version and cheap too.
I guess they do not support master/slave configurations for performance
and reliability reasons.
(At least I am assuming this because they say up to 8 drives and there are
8 connectors)
I noticed that they do not support UDMA/66. (at least the PDF says so).
Do you think that the impact is negligible when there is only one drive
per chanel ?
(At least I think that there are not that many EIDE disks which can
sustain 33MB/sec all the time).
The load (in terms of bandwidth) generated on the bus/CPU by multiple (8)
is quite high IMHO, therefore 66MB/sec * 8 (even if every drive would be able
to deliver that kind of bandwidth) , would likely saturate your mobo/CPU,
shifting the bottleneck from the disks to the memory/CPU subsystem.
BTW, do you need a 2.3.x to work with these 3WARE monsters ?
Or are there patches backported to 2.2.x floating around ?