On Wed Jun 21 2000 at 12:46:02 -0500, Diegmueller, Jason (I.T. Dept) wrote:
> : > Can/Should I apply the raid1readbalance-2.2.15-B2 patch after
> : > applying mingo's raid-2.2.16-A0 patch?
> : 
> : I don't see any reason not to apply it, although I haven't 
> : tried it with 2.2.16.
> I have been out of the linux-raid world for a bit, but a 
> two-drive RAID1 installation yesterday has brought me back.  
> Naturally, when I saw mention of radi1readbalance, I immediately
> tried it.
> I'm running 2.2.17pre4, and it patched cleanly.  But bonnie++
> is showing no change in read performance.  I am using IDE drives,
> but they are on separate controllers (/dev/hda, and /dev/hdc) 
> with both drives configured as masters.
> Anyone have any tricks up their sleeves?

Look at the Bonnies seek performance. It should rise.
For single sequential reads, readbalancer doesn't help.
Bonnie tests only single sequential reads.

If you wan't to test with multiple io threads, try

-- Mika

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