I just found this url:


Thomas Waldmann wrote:
> > On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
> >
> > > The most awesome thing I had yet, is IDE AND SCSI:
> > >
> > > IDE disks (BIG, fast & cheap)
> > > IDE-to-SCSI-bridging adaptor (one per IDE disk)
> > > UW SCSI controller
> >
> > What controller did you use for this? Is it with the 3Ware card? (I've
> > heard that the hardware array of UDMA disks appears as one SCSI device)
> It is a small PCB that is attached directly to the HDD's EIDE connector and
> has a UW SCSI connector on the back side. Each EIDE disk appears like it
> was a UW SCSI disk - you can use a standard SCSI controller like Symbios or
> Adaptec.
> The bridge has "AEC-7720UW" printed on the PCB, so this seems to be the
> original part name. The main chip is ARC-760.
> The manufacturer is ACard, but I think they sell this stuff only to OEMs.
> The bridges work good, I get block transfer rates >= 22MB/s with IBM DTLA
> hdds.
> The retail price of these bridges is about 110 EURO + tax here.
> If somebody finds better prices somewhere else, please notify me.
> I use 4 of these bridges + 4 IBM DTLA EIDE disks attached to an AIC-7895
> dual-UW-chip in my Linux Software RAID5 setup (just to get back on-topic ;-).
> Thomas

| Douglas Egan                            Wind River              |
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