LILO is stock RH 6.2 build (which includes and other patches
according to the .spec)


        boot    = /dev/md0
        image   = /boot/blah
        label   = something
        root    = /dev/md0

boot and root are both on /dev/md0 which is sda1 and sdb1.

LILO works great, and with verbosity, appears to write boot sectors to
both sda and sdb.  LILO loads just fine booting off either sda or sdb.
However, no labels appear (that is, when hitting tab) when I boot off
sdb; only when booting off sda.  If I just hit `enter' when booting off
sdb (no labels, but attempting to use the default anyways) I get a 0x80
(disk timeout) error.  Again, everything boots fine if I boot off sda
instead of sdb.

My current workaround is to just dd the boot sector of sda over to sdb
after LILO installs.  However, I would like to understand why LILO
writes a boot sector to sdb which does not contain any images.  I have
searched list archives and found nothing about this topic.  Any help is
greatly appreciated.

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