On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Ben wrote:

> The drives are all connected on the same SCSI-2 bus (we care about
> quantity and reliability, not speed), which is obviously not a
> performance deamon but should work just fine.

If you care for reability, you should probably end up in using some sort
of hardware array instead. For many persons linux raid works reliable and
very fine. Also does LVD-SCSI in it's U2W incarnation which is also way
faster than simple FAST-SCSI-WIDE (what in fact is the most you can get
from vanilla SCSI-2).
So I can't get your point.

> They problem we have is that it performed like a slug when resyncing -
> about 4 full days! I understand this is 420GB but still....

420GB are 430080MB. 4 full days are 345600 seconds. You got an average
transfer speed of 1.24MBps which is quite normal on a plain FAST-SCSI
(without the wide option) with a bunch of disks sharing this bus and
perhaps medium activity on the array or other devices on the bus (resync
then stops, because resync is done in the background).

> Also, the percentage till completion reported in
> /proc/mdstat never rose above 12% - it would always drop back to 0%.

Was there activity on the array?

> the ETA steadily fell, and now it claims it's done... is it really synced?

If there's no activity on the disks, it is done.
Simply test by copying something onto it, sync, work otherwise so the
kernel buffers get flushed and read this file. Compare the two. If they
are equal, there's no problem. If not...

:wq! PoC

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