The patch this email replies to changes the format of the torus-2QoS.conf
file.  The attached file works with the new format, and replaces the
example file sent in reply to the original torus-2QoS patch series.

-- Jim

# We want the torus routing engine to attempt to find a
# 5x5x5 torus in the fabric:
torus 5 5 5

# We need to tell the routing engine what directions we
# want the torus coordinate directions to be, by specifing
# the endpoints (switch GUID only) of a link in each
# direction.  Here we specify positive coordinate directions:
xp_link 0x200000  0x200019   # S_0_0_0 -> S_1_0_0
yp_link 0x200000  0x200005   # S_0_0_0 -> S_0_1_0
zp_link 0x200000  0x200001   # S_0_0_0 -> S_0_0_1

# If one of the above switches were to fail, the routing
# engine would not have sufficient information to locate the
# torus in the fabric.  Specify a backup origin here:

xp_link 0x20001f  0x200038   # S_1_1_1 -> S_2_1_1
yp_link 0x20001f  0x200024   # S_1_1_1 -> S_1_2_1
zp_link 0x20001f  0x200020   # S_1_1_1 -> S_1_1_2

# The torus routing engine uses the concept of a dateline,
# where a coordinate wraps from its maximum back to zero,
# in order to compute path SL values that provide routing
# that is free from credit loops.
# If it is forced by a failed switch to use the backup
# origin specification, that would cause the datelines
# to move, which would change many path SL values, which
# defeats one of the main benefits of this routing engine.
# So, describe the position of the original datelines
# relative to the backup origin as follows:
x_dateline -1
y_dateline -1
z_dateline -1

# You can specify as many backup origins as you like, but
# in practice, the torus routing engine is only guaranteed
# to be able to route around a single failed switch without
# introducing credit loops, so one backup origin is enough.

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