Hi guys:
I'm doing a project using RDMA to transfer data between servers.  I'm
using RDMA_PS_TCP type and do RDMA_WRITE operations from client node
to server node. While the program succeed in setting up connection and
transferring data, I 'm still very confused about two problems:
(1)  After transfer the data using IB_WR_RDMA_WRITE , the complete
queue entry found that the opcode turned from IB_WR_RDMA_WRITE to
IB_WR_RDMA_WRITE_WITH_IMM, I don't know the meaning of this opcode and
the reason of the change.
(2)  It takes a long time to finish rdma_disconnect work (about 10
seconds), so is it a reasonable time?

My develop environment is Centos5.3, kernel version: 2.6.18-128.el5. I
will very appreciated if you guys can give me some tips. Please CC to
me since I didn't subscribe this list.

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