On 04/02/2012 04:49 PM, Hefty, Sean wrote:
>> By default ibacm expects to find its configuration files in /etc/ibacm.
>>  This adds to the proliferation of directories in /etc/ needlessly.  We
>> already have a number of RDMA related directories to choose from
>> depending on your install (OFED == /etc/ofed or /etc/openib in the old
>> days, RHEL5 == /etc/openib from the old days, RHEL6 and Fedora are
>> /etc/rdma, don't know what SuSE uses).  Would be best if these files
>> were in the same place as the other RDMA related files.  And to make
>> that happen easily, it would be best if they picked up on %{sysconfdir}
>> from the ./configure invocation in order to set the directory.  I used a
>> static patch for now because I'm behind on my work, so updating the
>> configure script was more than I had time to do.  I'm not bothering to
>> include my patch as it needs done the other way so my patch is purely a
>> stopgap that should not see the time of day ;-)
> I've moved the config files to /etc/rdma.  I'm still trying to figure out how 
> to make them use %{sysconfdir}, so I can avoid hard coding any paths.
> Note that the config files are NOT needed by default.  If the option config 
> file (acm_opts.cfg) is not found, the ibacm service will simply use the 
> default settings.  The default values are the same as defined in the sample 
> option file.
> The acm_addr.cfg file included with the package is a sample file only.  The 
> address file should be generated by running the ib_acme program on the same 
> node.  Copying the acm_addr.cfg file included with the package will not work, 
> since the addresses must be unique per node.  If no address config file is 
> found, the ibacm service will automatically call ib_acme to generate one.
> So... I think you want to remove the following install lines from your 
> makefile.am patch.
> +install-exec-hook:
> +     if ! test -d $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir); then \
> +             mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir); \
> +     fi; \
> +     install -m 644 acm_opts.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/acm_opts.cfg; \
> +     install -m 644 acm_addr.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/acm_addr.cfg;

OK, will do.

Doug Ledford <dledf...@redhat.com>
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