
Since you're emailing from @arm.com, some of this is to the wider
recipient and maybe not directly to you:

On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Lorenzo Pieralisi
<lorenzo.pieral...@arm.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 09:06:36PM +0100, Nicolas Pitre wrote:
>> On Sat, 7 Jun 2014, Lorenzo Pieralisi wrote:
>> > On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 05:10:27PM +0100, Nicolas Pitre wrote:
>> > > On Sat, 7 Jun 2014, Abhilash Kesavan wrote:
>> > >
>> > > > Hi Nicolas,
>> > > >
>> > > > The first man of the incoming cluster enables its snoops via the
>> > > > power_up_setup function. During secondary boot-up, this does not occur
>> > > > for the boot cluster. Hence, I enable the snoops for the boot cluster
>> > > > as a one-time setup from the u-boot prompt. After secondary boot-up
>> > > > there is no modification that I do.
>> > >
>> > > OK that's good.
>> > >
>> > > > Where should this be ideally done ?
>> > >
>> > > If I remember correctly, the CCI can be safely activated only when the
>> > > cache is disabled.  So that means the CCI should ideally be turned on
>> > > for the boot cluster (and *only* for the boot CPU) by the bootloader.
>> >
>> > CCI ports are enabled per-cluster, so the boot loader must turn on
>> > CCI for all clusters before the respective CPUs have a chance to
>> > turn on their caches. It is a secure operation, this can be overriden
>> > and probably that's what has been done, wrongly.
>> Careful.  By saying "for all clusters" you might be interpreted as
>> saying that the CCI must be turned on even for CPUs that are not powered
>> up.
> Right, CCI snoops and DVMs for a cluster must be enabled by the first man
> running in that cluster upon cluster power up with caches off, where the
> first man must be arbitrated if multiple CPUs are racing for enabling CCI.
> This is not an issue on cold boot, it is on resuming from CPUidle.

That's already handled by the MCPM backend on exynos:

 * Enable cluster-level coherency, in preparation for turning on the MMU.
static void __naked exynos_pm_power_up_setup(unsigned int affinity_level)
        asm volatile ("\n"
        "cmp    r0, #1\n"
        "bxne   lr\n"
        "b      cci_enable_port_for_self");

>> > True, TC2 on warm-boot reenables CCI, and that's because it runs the
>> > kernel in secure world, and again that's _wrong_.
>> Let me respectfully disagree.
> You are welcome =)
>> > It must be done in firmware, and I am totally against any attempt at
>> > papering over what looks like a messed up firmware implementation with
>> > a bunch of hacks in the kernel, because that's what the patch below is
>> > (soft restarting a CPU to enable CCI ? and adding generic code for that ?
>> > what's next ?)
>> Are you promoting for the removal of drivers/bus/arm-cci.c ?
> I really do not want to go there, but I might (apart from CCI PMUs).
>> You do realize that the fundamental raison d'?tre for MCPM is actually
>> to manage the race free enabling of the cache and CCI ?
> Yes I do and I was willing to help implement it for TC2 to provide people
> with an example on how to do it _properly_ (in secure world though, and that
> was a mistake IMHO). If what we get is a workaround for every platform
> going upstream, we are in a bind, seriously.

Real life is messy. Bugs happen. Having a stance that the kernel has
to be a puritan implementation that can be done in a vacuum where bugs
in hardware and firmware don't exist (and are fixable in the right
place every single case) is not realistic. Linux is a useless piece of
software to us if that is the case.

I've seen this from several other ARM developers in the past. It's
almost like they were a couple of degrees removed from actually
working on shipping real products and dealing with real users.

> Whatever the outcome of this thread, a booting protocol update for CCI
> is in order, even if we have to debate it for 6 months or more to get
> an agreement.

Ding ding ding. Current documentation is in some very complex C
frameworks (MCPM), and some device tree bindings that obviously don't
cover this. Real documentation is obviously needed, but more than that
(see below).

I'd actually argue that you don't have a leg to stand on in your
complaints at all because:

1) There's no documentation of the requirements
2) The only existing golden platform (TC2) manages CCI similar to how
exynos does.

>> > I understand there is an issue and lots at stake here, but I do not want 
>> > the
>> > patch below to be merged in the kernel, I am sorry, it is a tad too much.
>> Lorenzo: Don't get me wrong.  The Chromebooks, and possibly to some
>> extent some people at Samsung, were simply too confident in their
>> ability to create absolutely bug-free firmware code to the point of not
>> making its update easy in the field.  This is completely outrageous in
>> my point of view.

I would like to clarify that firmware is updateable today. But
Chromebooks are in many ways vertically integrated products, so if a
problem is found, there's always going to be a trade-off between the
places to fix it for our own product.

I have successfully argued for fixes in firmware (or EC) for some bugs
in the past. For others we have to go with the cheaper fix. And at the
end of the day, pushing out a new firmware is a massive undertaking
compared to a kernel workaround, and doing so only because upstream
maintainers aren't happy with the way we and Samsung solved something
in our firmware+kernel combo is an argument that is hard to win -- it
doesn't affect the product at all, only those wanting to run an
upstream kernel on it.

I'm a very strong proponent of enabling upstream support for our
platform (for several reasons -- most of these are actually business
reasons for us, but also because it's the right thing to do). Finding
the trade-off for what workarounds are still reasonable to do in the
kernel for that situation is obviously hard and we're disagreeing. But
the scope for these workarounds is not large.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that if we can add a few hooks to take
care of something, or keep something contained in a piece of platform
code, then it's not a given that we have to reject the workaround. If
we have to modify core code (or substantially impact core ARM code)
then it's time to consider fixing in firmware or wherever else.

In this case, the change we're looking at is enabling the CCI port for
the boot cpu. It's perfectly containable in exynos-only code, and we
can surround it by however many comments of never ever using it as an
example for how to do it as you'll want.

>> Yet one of the reactions was to call upstream kernel
>> people as purists because the kernel is so much easier to modify in
>> order to cover their mess and yet that might not be accepted.  Like I
>> said I won't stop shaming them publicly for their own "incompetence"
>> just yet (no pun intended), but being excessively purist does not
>> benefit anyone either, and for that they have a point.
> I do not think they do. The kernel should not become a place where firmware
> bugs are fixed, if you refuse to fix the bug and this code does not get
> upstream I am pretty sure next time more attention will be paid.

You do realize that you have absolutely zero leverage over us on this,
right? Our product is already shipped with kernel code that fixes
this. The only parties you hurt by doing this is community developers
that want to run an upstream kernel on the platform. Apparently
several of them want to work on sorting out energy aware scheduling on
a platform that is easily available -- mostly people at Linaro and
ARM. I think it makes sense to do what we have to do to enable that
without having people tear their machines open and voiding warranties.

> Booting, powering up and down cores are standard procedures, why can't we
> share the same code for all v7 platforms ? Why ?

That's something you should ask your colleagues. ARM has historically
refused to require standards for these things, and it causes the mess
we see now. Arbitrarily changing the requirements from your part of
kernel isn't going to change the marketplace.

> And we are not talking about a race condition hit every 10 gazillions
> cycles here.
>> *HOWEVER* I have no choice but to say that many people at ARM, including
>> a couple individuals for whom I nevertheless have a lot of admiration,
>> also have an incredible faith in their ability to convince themselves,
>> and then turn around to preach to the world, that *more firmware* is
>> going to be so much purer and solve so many more problems than it
>> creates and become such a magical success that we should immediately
>> dedicate our soul to the cause with no hint of a doubt.
>> I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but I don't believe in this one iota.
>> Let me repeat the MCPM story again: it took 3 people, including 2 from
>> ARM, over *six* months to get everything right and stable on TC2. I
>> think you also contributed to that effort as well. Subsequent MCPM
>> backend contributions (yes, just the backend and not the core code) took
>> at least *five* rounds of reviews in one case, and after *seven* rounds
>> in another case it is still not right, despite the publicly available
>> TC2 implementation to serve as a reference.
>> I'm sure each time a new patch set was posted, their authors honestly
>> believed their code was correct.  Otherwise why would they post buggy
>> code?
>> Now you are telling me that they should have put that code into firmware
>> instead?  Can you realize what a catastrophe this would have been? Are
>> you _seriously_ believing that they would be up to their 5th firmware
>> revision by now?  And that updating their firmware six months after
>> product launch would be as easy as updating the kernel?
> If firmware messes up the DMC controller configuration, would you fix
> it in the Linux kernel ? It is an unrealistic (well..) example but you should
> catch my drift.

It's actually perfectly realistic, and we did exactly this in the
first ARM Chromebook. We never upstreamed the code because it only
affected a smaller number of models (it's something we did update the
RO firmware for in production).

> Where do we draw the line, that's my point.

You draw the line by giving vendors a place to do the nasty stuff that
needs to be done in a place that doesn't impact others, and where
others don't have to look. Quirk tables, fixup functions, or function
pointers that can be replaced on a specific platform if needed. When
it affects core code, you sort it out in a different way if you have

There'll always be some ugly code that needs to go somewhere. This
isn't rocket science. It's something we've done in the kernel since
pretty much forever. In some cases, we can even share the quirks if
several vendors have made the same mistakes.

Maybe it's just me, but I didn't use to see this disconnected puritan
world view from people until DT came along. I don't think it's DTs
fault, but I think the requirements of DT-as-ABI has tainted the
mindset of many developers in a way that they treat everything as
needing to be polished to a perfect shine in all aspects, all the

>> Software ALWAYS has bugs, whether it is user apps, the kernel, firmware
>> or boot ROM. The bigger one of those parts is, the more bugs it will
>> have. And the cost to vendors for fixing those bugs grow exponentially
>> down each level. For proof, we're now considering possible workarounds
>> in the kernel to sidestep the difficulty with updating the firmware on a
>> Chromebook.
>> Yet you're saying that firmware should grow code with the same
>> complexity as the MCPM core, plus a machine specific backend that
>> experience has proven multiple times is evidently hard to get right,
>> into firmware because running Linux in secure mode is wrong?  If so we
>> don't live in the same world indeed.
>> The day I see a firmware architecture that allows for 1) the same level
>> of peer review as what we enjoy with the Linux kernel code and 2) the
>> same ability to perform updates in the field as the kernel, then maybe I
>> could be sold on the many advantages having generic firmware might have.
>> In the meantime I consider complex firmware as a very suboptimal
>> architecture with no bearing on the reality of actual short-cycled
>> products, and if they prevail we'd better be ready to pile more of those
>> ugly hacks in the kernel.

I couldn't agree more. MCPM and the b.L stuff is also a brand new
concept, that the reference code was kept secret for longer than it
should have been, and few people have been through a full product
cycle of it and learned lessons. We're obviously learning several
right now on our first one.

Expecting things to be perfect from day one is not realistic.

> Nicolas: it is not a matter of PSCI vs. MCPM, firmware vs. the kernel,
> that's a debate worth having, not now.
> There is a bug to solve, and you did. What I am telling you is that
> I am fed up to my back teeth of having code in the kernel solving
> issues that should not be solved in the kernel, if we keep doing that
> hacks will become the rule not the exception. Time to draw a line,
> firmware is broken, so is the platform. (BTW, if anyone can explain to
> me how CPUidle works in this platform, and that's the main reason of
> having MCPM in there, I am all ears).

Punting all this to software means that there will be bugs to fix in
software. Period. In the real world, fixing those bugs will not be
practical to do in the best possible place. Life sucks.

You do know that we're arguing over a one-time setup of the boot cpu
port on the CCI and coming in and out of system suspend/resume here,
right? Everything else should already be covered by the runtime
MCPM/CCI code from Nico (together with the exynos backend). So this is
just the first CCI setup on boot as well as after S3 suspend/resume.
One-time code paths, not critical path and definitely containable
within the platform code.

> Adding these hacks has serious maintainance consequences (eg CPUidle
> code) and that's the main reason I jumped into this discussion.

> Let me reiterate my point: it is not a kernel vs firmware debate, it
> is about clean and maintainable code vs hackish and unmaintainable
> code in the kernel.

No, it's about having code that runs in the real world, versus some
random framework that doesn't actually fill a useful purpose since
nobody can make use of it without a bunch of out-of-tree code.

> And of top of that, people must test their code, we are not talking
> about a rare race condition here, this is a blatant bug.

Where's the test suite that would have caught this?

Or hell, I'll be happy to see a document that declares the requirement
of firmware to enable the CCI port on the boot cluster. You admit
above that there is none.

Samsung chose to do that in the kernel instead of firmware, nobody
involved knew better at the time and we now have to deal with it. It's
unlikely to go uncaught on the next product iteration, but things like
this happen.

> I have lots to add concerning the firmware implementations of power
> down procedures, but let's take it offline.
> I am not happy with merging your patch, I am sorry, for the reasons I've
> just explained.

Wow, you're going to be really, really frustrated over how the world
will start to look with all the "standardized" closed firmware
platforms and their quirks and bug workarounds we'll have to add in
the kernel.

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