On 1/11/17, 12:08 PM, "Bart Van Assche" <bart.vanass...@sandisk.com> wrote:

>On 12/23/2016 08:23 PM, Himanshu Madhani wrote:
>> +    sess->logout_completed = 0;
>> +    be_sid[0] = sess->d_id.b.domain;
>> +    be_sid[1] = sess->d_id.b.area;
>> +    be_sid[2] = sess->d_id.b.al_pa;
>Hello Himanshu and Quinn,
>When building the qlt_create_sess() code with W=1 the compiler warns
>that values are assigned to the elements of the be_sid[] array but that
>these values are not used. Please review the code.

Thanks for review. will review code and update patch.

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