On Thu, 27 Apr 2000, Jerry Waugh wrote:

> The embedded system will have 4 RS-485 Serial Ports and the low
> level interrupt functions need to be modified to handle a
> token-passing protocol and the RS-485 Tx/Rx functions.

> My question is what file should I be modifying?

The files are in /usr/src/linux/drivers/char.  Among others, you will
want to look at serial.c, tty_io.c, n_tty.c and tty_ioctl.c.

> What and where are the low-level serial port interrupt
> transmit/receive modules?

In addition to the above files, be aware that there is interaction of
these files with the rest of the kernel.  Before making changes, make
sure you know what the other parts of the kernel expect the tty driver 
to do.  Also, what can you glean from other parts of the kernel.

Be careful and good luck.


Vernon C. Hoxie                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Denver, Colo., 80212                                    voice: 303-477-1780
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